Jul. 20, 2021

Business / Corporate

More companies pull out of Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony

More Japanese companies have decided against sending executives to Friday’s opening ceremony for the Tokyo Olympics as concerns about holding the games during the pandemic grow.

Senior officials from Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp., Fujitsu Ltd. and NEC Corp. will skip the event given that organizers decided to hold the games without spectators, spokespeople for the technology giants said Tuesday, a day after Toyota Motor Corp. announced its top executive wouldn’t attend.

 Japan’s pledge to hold a safe and secure games is coming under threat as COVID-19 cases jump in Tokyo and visiting athletes test positive for the virus. In a fresh public relations setback, Japanese musician Keigo Oyamada, known as Cornelius, quit the team creating the opening ceremony after acknowledging he bullied school classmates with disabilities years ago.

The games will be the first in modern history to be held without spectators, after Tokyo entered another state of emergency that will run throughout the tournament.

Meiji Holdings Co. and Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. had already decided executives wouldn’t go to the opening ceremony, and Nippon Life Insurance Co. bosses will also stay away, representatives said. Toyota President Akio Toyoda will miss the event, the automaker said Monday.

Japanese public support for the Olympics is mixed at best, raising questions over the merits of marketing the competition.

Toyota won’t air local television advertisements during the games, despite being among the global sponsors. Bridgestone Corp. had already decided not to broadcast commercials, a spokesman for the tiremaker said.

NTT plans to broadcast commercials featuring athletes, although it has yet make a final decision.

Nomura Holdings Inc. and Mizuho Financial Group Inc. plan to continue airing ads, according to spokespeople. Eneos Holdings Inc. is seeking to do the same, although it may change its ad policy depending on the situation, a representative for the petroleum refiner said.


                                                   新型コロナ感染者 東京・大阪・兵庫


                     T        O       H                                T      O     H                                  T       O       H       (T東京O大阪H兵庫)

6/20()    376  106    19           6/21(月)     236   42    14            6/22(火)    435    107    27

6/23(水)    619     125    22           6/24(木)    570   116    17            6/25(金)    562    120    20

6/26(土)    534      88    34           6/27()    386    96    16            6/28(月)    317      40     4  

6/29(火)    476    101    25            6/30(水)    714   108   28            7/ 1(木)      673    108    32

7/ 2(金)     660    123    32            7/ 3(土)     716   148   22            7/ 4()     578      88    27

7/ 5(月)     342     78     13             7/ 6(火)    593    86    34            7/ 7(水)     920    151    36      

7/8(木)      896    125    50             7/ 9(金)    822   143   38            7/10(土)    950    210    45

7/11()     614    167    44            7/12(月)    502   105   17             7/13(火)    830    225    80     

714(水)     1149   349   78             7/15(木)  1308   324   77            7/16(金)   1271    254    81 

7/17(土)   1410    380  122            7/18()  1008   262   75            7/19(月)    727    224    39   

7/20(火)  1387    313   129            7/21(水)  1832   491  120            7/22()  1979   461    149 

7/23( Tokyo Olympic 2020 )   ???     1359   379   61   ・・・・・         





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